Idle Angels Wiki

Relic is equipment for angels to strengthening their abilitis.

Relic unlocks at Lv.60, players can use Relic Summon Coupon or Diamonds to summon relics.
Click here to view collection of all relics

Summon Probability[]

Probability of Guaranteed Result = Prbability of this result/ Total probabilyt of the Guaranteed Results.

Special SR Relic probablity: 0.500% (Guaranteed in 200 summons, The progress will be zeroed once summoned)

SR Relic probablity: 4.500% (Guaranteed in 30 summons, The progress will be zeroed once summoned)

R Relic probablity: 45.000% (Guaranteed in 10 summons, The progress will be zeroed once summoned)

N Relic probablity: 50.000%

Relic advanced[]

The quality and attributes of relics will improve as relics are advanced

Relic requires a certain amount of specific relics to advance.

The initial quality of the relic determines the upper limit of advanced quality. The relic with initial N/R/SR quality can be advanced to the upper limit of SR+/SSR+/UR+5.

Relics whose Advancement/Awakening times > 0 and original quality is SR, can be reset by consuming diamonds on relic advancement panel.

Relic level up
Quality Increase Resources Need(Relic) Quantity Need
N→R Same N 2
R→R+ Same R 2
R+→SR Any R+ 2
SR→SR+ Same SR 1
SR+→SSR Any SR+ 2
SSR→SSR+ Same SSR+ 1
SSR+→UR Any SSR+ 1
UR→UR+ Any SSR+ 1
UR+→UR+1star Same SR+ 2
UR+1star→UR+2Stars Same SR+ 1
UR+2star→UR+3Stars Same SR+ 1
UR+3star→UR+4Stars Same SR+ 1
UR+4star→UR+5Stars Same SR+ 1

Relic Inherit[]

To proceed with the Relic Quality Inherit and Relic Awaken Inherit, player have to consume 100 diamonds.
Relic Quality Inherit is applied only to the same kind of relics. It will only inherit its quality with its attributes unchanged.
The Relic Awaken Inherit will unlock when the player reaches level 110. The awaken level can be inherited from different relics.

Relic Awakening[]

Reach Requirement
To level 30 100 Resonance crystal
To level 60 150 Resonance crystal
To level 90 200 Resonance crystal

All items (55)
